Raw Veggie Burger


Raw Veggie Burger Recipe

  • Prep: 1 hrs
  • Dehydrate: 5 hrs


1/2 cup Hemp Hearts (hemp seeds)

1/4 cup ground Flax Seeds

2 tbsp ground Chia Seeds

2 tsp Lemon Juice

1 tsp Sea Salt

1 tbsp Nutritional Yeast (optional)

1/2 cup Sunflower Seeds

1/2 cup Walnuts or Pecans

3/4 cup finely chopped Veggies (combination of celery, onion, fresh parsley, and/or red pepper - some of each is best, but ratio does not matter)

1 tbsp Water

1 clove Garlic

2 tsp dried Dill (optional)

1 set Paraflexx Sheets


1Add all ingredients except hemp hearts and veggies to your food processor

2Process until well mixed and transfer into a large bowl

3Add remaining ingredients to mixture in the large bowl

4Mix with a spoon until thoroughly combined

5Line your Excalbiur Food Dehydrator trays with paraflexx sheets

6Form patties with your hands, similar to burger patties - about 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick

7Place on trays so patties do not touch each other

8Dehydrate on highest temperature for 1.5 hours

9Reduce heat to 125 degrees F and dehydrate for another 5 hours

10Once burger patties are holding together and firming nicely, remove paraflexx, and continue dehydrating until they reach desired veggie burger consistency


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