Green Bean Italian Marinara


A healthy twist on green bean casserole.

  • Prep: 1 hrs
  • Dehydrate: 5 hrs


10 oz. Fresh green beans

8 Crimini mushrooms

2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar

6-10 pieces Sun-dried tomatoes

1 Clove garlic

2 to 3 Medium red bell pepper

1 Medium Spring onion

4 Medium tomatoes

2 tsp Dried Italian spices

Celtic sea salt to taste


1For Green Beans: Remove the ends of the green beans and set aside in a large bowl.

2Slice the red bell pepper, mushrooms and spring onions, and add to the green beans. Dehydrate the vegetables for 5-6 hours at the lowest temperature.

3Blend tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, Italian dried spices, garlic cloves and Celtic sea salt in a food processor until smooth. If you are using a food processor, soak the sun-dried tomatoes for 4 hours before.

4Once the green bean mixture has dehydrated, place it into a medium bowl. Add the marinara by the spoonful and mix. Set aside for 10 minutes and then serve.


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