Juice Pulp Pizza Crust


Juice Pulp Pizza Crust Recipe

  • Prep: 30 mins
  • Dehydrate: 5 hrs


2 cups fresh Vegetable Pulp

1 small Carrot, grated

1 cup ground Pumpkin Seeds (grind in a coffee grinder)

1/2 Red Onion, finely chopped

2 tbsp Olive Oil

1 tsp Sea Salt

5 sun-dried Tomatoes, finely chopped

1 cup Almond Pulp (or ground almonds)

1/2 cup ground Chia (grind in a coffee grinder)

3 tbsp Tamari

1 tbsp Cumin


1Place all ingredients in a large mixing bowl

2Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Pour mixture onto a Paraflexx lined Excalibur Dehydrator tray.

3Press mixture down and work it into a large flat circle, about 1/4" thick.

4Roughly score the mixture with a sharp knife into 8 or 12 slices

5Dehydrate the pizza at 115 degrees F for 8 hours. When the top is dry, flip it over and remove Paraflexx

6Break the individual slices up and place back in the dehydrator for another 8-12 hours

7When done, crust will be dry and crunchy. Remove from the dehydrator and top with favorite pizza toppings
