English Toffee Cookies


English Toffee Cookies Recipe

  • Prep: 35 mins
  • Dehydrate: 5 hrs


1 1/2 cups Macadamia Nuts, soaked for 4 hours

1/2 cup Water, use the water from soaking Macadamia nuts

1 cup soft Dates

1/2 cup Agave

1 tsp Vanilla Extract


1Process Macadamia Nuts in food processor until they are a gritty paste. (The nuts will become smoother once the other Ingredients are added).

2Add remaining ingredients process until they are well mixed into a smooth paste

3Using an ice-cream scoop portion out the mix onto a Paraflexx® lined Excalibur® dehydrator tray

4With damp hands shape cookies into your preferred size and shape

5Dehydrate at 130 degrees F for about 12 hours, flipping cookies when the top forms a crust.


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